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November 05, 2004


'Family values' issue was a joke - on us'

'Family values' issue was a joke - on us
Published Cape Cod Times November 5, 04'

No, I don't believe the election. Extremely sad and disappointing. It's just not possible.

GOP adds a marriage amendment to the Ohio ballot (among many), which gets out the anti-gay vote . These are the Christian right so-called "family values" people.

I am angry. My published letters to editor exhorted the Democratic National Convention to get on Bush for not living up to any decent family value criteria. Show Bush using a phony atomic bomb scenario in a speech to Congress. That's frightening, maliciously devious and almost mad. Where are there family values in that?

Family values in Abu Ghraib? In holding U.S. citizens without charges, attorneys, due process? In saying the Geneva Convention is "open to interpretation"? Sliming a decorated veteran to point of leveling charges of cowardice?

How do the Democrats not connect the dots to torture and reptilian behavior and Bush's lack of family values? How can they let the GOP define family values as anti-gay, anti-abortion?

Getting 5 or 10 percent of the U.S. population to the polls by the GOP to vote bigotry and disenfranchisement (and win!) is the moral opposite of family values.

It's pure evil.

It's, of course, Karl Rove.

Blowing the Family Values' Battle

No I don't believe the election. Extremely sad and disappointed. Very sad, it's just not possible.

GOP adds marriage amendment to Ohio ballot (among many) which gets out the anti-gay vote . These are the Christian right so called family values people.

I am pissed. My published Letters to Editor exhorted DNC to get on Bush for not living up to any decent family value criteria. Show Bush using phony atomic bomb scenario in speech to Congress. That's frightening, maliciously devious and almost mad. Where is there family values in that? Family values in Abu Ghraib? In holding U.S. Citizens, without charges, attorneys, due process? In saying Geneva Convention is "open to interpretation?" Sliming decorated veteran to point of leveling charges of cowardice? Other venal ads, John McCain, etc.

How in the living hell do the Dems not connect the dots to torture and reptilian behavior and Bush's lack of family values.? How can they let GOP define family values as anti-gay, anti-abortion. That's just nuts, or stupid or cowardice. Mother! Getting five or ten percent of the US population to the polls by the GOP to vote bigotry and disenfranchisement ( and win !) is the moral opposite of family values. It's pure evil. it's of course, Carl Rove. After the DEM convention, the LATimes said the "DEMS attack on Bush's issues, honesty, family values and Not being a Uniter."
That was my Editorial to a Tee. Who gave up on that strategy. Crap.

Game, set, match.

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