March 30, 2007
"The Thinker"
Perhaps we now know why the shrub failed to respond when he was told during that reading of "My Pet Goat" that our nation was under attack.
Under this guy and his cronies nothing gets done until the political commissars give the green light. He waited. What response brings us more control and power, he asked himself. What spin comes to mind?
What would George do if a toilet overflowed? Or perhaps it already has.
Labels: Bush, commissars, My Pet Goat, soviet
March 28, 2007
My Pickup's Talkin To My Dog
"I always vote Republican. They're the ones that let ya keep your guns, assault rifles and all."
"They're cuttin taxes for the rich and refusin to provide top notch health care for returnin Vets. What's up with that?"
"They're trying to cut social security benefits for Granny now and you next. What's up with that?"
"They're listenin on the phone, readin your mail and sayin that torturing combatants is okay. Crackey, what's up with that? Cousin Jimmie's in Iraq. I sure don't want him tortured."
"I always vote Republican. Rudi's leading in the polls and he's one tough hombre."
"Cept he's sweet on the misdirected weenie crowd and is squishy as hell on that there gun control. What's up with that?"
"You think too god damned much ya cussed ol' hound dog.. Now what the hell's up with that."
Labels: hound dog, red neck, Rudi gun control, social security, veteran's benefits
March 25, 2007
Purgegate: More Bush/Rove Soviet Style Thuggery
Bush/Rove/Cheney/Gonzalez Commissariat
Political appointees oversee science (FDA & global warming) in this administration.
Political appointees botch, bungle and butcher Iraq reconstruction and Katrina relief.
Political appointees are sent into the CIA executive suite for a political cleansing mission.
Political appointees set up a propaganda office in the DOD to deliberately and maliciously mislead the nation into war while refusing to plan for known obstacles ultimately leading to thousand of troop' deaths and injuries.
The hue and cry over Purgegate is that the Justice Department has traditionally been significantly and honorably immune to rank political interference. Not under our presently governing thugs.
Despoiling democracy and honor while emulating a Soviet/Communist Commissariat model government is the operational and ethical basis of Gonzalez and his handlers.
Good news. If politicizing the Justice Department finally brings out the backbones of our legislators, Republican and Democratic alike, shout hosannas. Citizens of the entire planet sincerely want the America that strives for honor, honesty and equal treatment under the law to reappear.
Craig Johnson
Labels: Bush, Cheney, commissariat, communism, gonzales, Published Letters, Purgegate, soviet
March 21, 2007
Congressional Compromise on Subpoenas Reached
All congressional committees have agreed to comply with President Bush’s qualifier, that, “We will not go along with a partisan fishing expedition aimed at honorable public servants.”
Given that Rove and Gonzales and a host of others, including of course Mr. Bush, do not meet the definition of honorable public servants there appears to be no conflict to the subpoenas being issued by Congress at this point.
Labels: executive privilege, gonzales, rove, subpoena
March 18, 2007

-Doctors, lawyers, students, nurses, housewives, veterans, retirees and children, men and women, black and white was the mix of the anti-war contingent. These various folks made up the anti Bush, anti Cheney, anti Iraq War Continuance marchers preparing to defend freedom and march on the Pentagon 3.17.07.
-The phalanx of hate spewers challenging the marchers were old white men wearing matching, tight fitting, leather outfits. If you like big bikes, matching leather outfits and old white men who specialize in crude obscenities these Rolling Fluffer-Nutters might have a place for you.
-Apparently they do not check or require that members have served in time of war or actually have been in the Armed Forces at all. This of course creates a deceptive mockery that this cast of characters has any bona fides to cherish or protect any War Memorial, including the Vietnam Vet's Wall Memorial.
-But hey, if you want to join a well dressed chorus line of hating, buffoons or not so buff goons, who specialize in grabbing their crotches and choreographed group mooning, exposed hog like anal parts included in the show, join the porcine Eagle Review.
-These gus are real cuties and a vivid national testament that America enjoys free speech and "Just-simply-incwedible" diversity.
Labels: Anti War, Iraq, Mar 17 Protest, Published Letters, Rally, Rolling Eagles, Wa, Washington
March 14, 2007
Off to D.C., March for Peace: Be Back 3/22
Sub Prime Loans and the Greed and Waste in U.S. Banking
Sub Prime Loans Sink Market! - Why is anyone surprised?
As regularly as the sun rises in the East, capitalism, as practiced in America today, spills, wastes or loses more financial resources every year than the total requirement of Medicare and Social Security combined.
From pure greed comes excessive risk taking.
The U.S. financial industry regularly goes on speculative binges that enrich work-a-day bankers and thieves alike until the (as always predicted) pyramid-like lending excesses end in catastrophe.
I recommend the enactment of a Value Added Tax mechanism. Add a one hundredth of one per cent tax on all financial transactions. Presto, the social programs for the average Joe and Jane would be well funded.--Who do you think (always, always, always) has to replace the lost capital in the banking sector or otherwise pay for the shoddy greedy self serving financial excesses in the first place? You guessed it, the same Janes and Joes that get sucker punched with the old, "Gee whiz, there just doesn't seem to be any money left over for you."
Labels: financial practices, mortgages, sub prime
March 13, 2007
A Libby Pardon Pardons the Cheney Propaganda Operation
Once upon a time Paul Revere rode through the land acclaiming that "The Red Coats are Coming."
Scooter's conviction has similarly caused a new message to go out in the politics-first, truth-second neocon propaganda cabal leading the Bush White House.
It's a strange concept to this crowd and they've become quite nervous. As they crowd around the water coolers, the buzz is: "Did ya hear? There are actually certain lies and certain circumstances for which I, you and the big boys can be held to be legally accountable."
Any politician or pundit that calls for Scooter to be pardoned should first be asked to state without reservation that one of the normal and acceptable operations of the American executive is to initiate and oversee an office of propaganda that deliberately and with malice aforethought manipulates the truth to achieve a political objective.
How can some higher up, i.e.Scooter in this case, not have eventually been caught in legally crossing the line when truth telling has been so relegated to the political trash bin. Cheney, under oath, would have no choice other than pleading the Fifth Amendment.
Those who favor pardoning Scooter symbolically condone and champion the neocon propaganda cabal and each of its lies that initiated the deaths and injuries of thousands of America's youth.
Labels: Cheney, criminal negligence, Libby, neocon cabal, pardon, propaganda
Lying has Consequences? Who knew?
Scooter's conviction has similarly caused a new message to go out in the politics-first, truth-second neocon propaganda cabal leading the Bush White House.
It's a strange concept to this crowd and they've become quite nervous. As they crowd around the water coolers, the buzz is: "Did ya hear? There are actually certain lies and certain circumstances for which I, you and the big boys can be held to be legally accountable."
Labels: propaganda, scooter
Depraved Indifference versus 'Support the Troops'
It is well documented that the State Department prepared a post Iraq invasion plan that pointed out the likelihood of Sunni on Shia civil strife/slaughter.
This document was shelved and ignored.
The Military general staff was forbidden on pain of being fired from preparing a full G-4 or post-invasion plan which would with 100% certainty have warned of this civil slaughter danger.
There is a crime in this duplicitous action to send human targets into battle but hide known consequences that were politically inexpedient. This action ended up causing thousands of deaths and injuries to purposefully unprepared U.S. troops. This crime is called 'Depraved Indifference.'
All mankind now knows that Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld organized a propaganda network which cherry picked intelligence to deliberately deceive the American public. (That somebody from this large organized propaganda cabal, in this case Cheney's Chief of Staff, was eventually convicted of felonious behavior should not be surprising. But those who support a Scooter pardon should be made to publicly declare that they are in essence declaring that they support, then and now, the propaganda program that lied American and Iraqi citizens into this spiraling deathtrap called Iraq. But I digress.)
Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld et al not only cherry picked false fear-based intelligence that led to this conflagration they also deliberately buried the the dangers that our troops would face.
They put the troops in harms way. Plenty of documentation exists that the neocon cabal did not 'Support our Troops' by providing the normal and required prewar planning.
Had the political agenda of the neocon cabal been made subservient to proper war planning, thousands of our troops and tens of thousands of Iraqis would not now be dead or maimed.
This depraved indifference should have its day in court.
Craig Johnson
Labels: criminal negligence, Libby, neocon cabal, propaganda, support the troops
March 09, 2007
Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit
Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit
"Mayan priests (in Guatamala) will purify a sacred archaeological site to eliminate "bad spirits" after President Bush visits next week, an official with close ties to the group said Thursday. "
May they upload the ritual to YouTube so that all aspirants to purifying a Bush tainted world may have access to these time honored liturgical resources.
Labels: Bush, Guatamala, ritual cleansing, snark